Tag Archives: pride

How have you sinned today?

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So since we didn’t end up on Jesus space ship off this Rock, you have to assume we have all sinned!

Here is my contribution to all the sinners of the world.

So proud! You GO GIRL!!

PRIDE- Not only is he happy as hell (and not raptured). His daddy was a leprechaun!

Gree hair... you don't say?

Because EVERYONE wants Green Hair! (Where do I get a bottle of this Green goodness?

I hope he isn't talking about this little guy!

If God was referring to this little creature he was a mean God…who could say that face is Lazy? He’s sitting up isn’t he?

Who the HELL took my picture???

UMMM little afraid here…someone snapped my picture while I was sleeping!!! *closing my curtains*

Anyone have a condom? Anyone?

Seriously does anyone have a Condom?

He has the whole world in his .... mouth!

This MF’er is eating the world…Greedy Bastard! Whatever you do…don’t eat BC… you’ll get the munchies and we will all be doomed!

Lusty lips!

I don’t know about you but I totally want her frog tongue! Super Sexy!!

You know I wish I had this many mouths…would make it sooo much easier to catch up to that Big Mac eating guy… I’m so far behind!!